Apple trees going crazy! (wonderful!!)
Uh... Sheldon? I can see you're really upset about something. I
honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and
think things over...
On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 12:45:21 -0700 (PDT), Sheldon >
>Terry wrote:
>> We have a second house that used to be our primary residence. ?Planted
>> Red Delicious (grafted a Yellow Delicious onto it) and Fuji trees. The
>> doggone things never produced much over the last ten years.
>> That changed this year.
>> The tenant is an older lady who isn't interested in getting out and
>> picking up fruit. ?So the wife has been going over there every few
>> days to pick up apples.
>"*The* wife", I bet even your dog has a name, you gotta be a redneck.
>> I'll try to remember to take a picture of the next pie.
>You'll try to remember... duh... are you really Duh'Wayne with a paper
>bag over your head... anyone can glom pie pictures off the net.
>Pictures of the trees full of apples might be more believable,
>although there are plenty of apple tree pictures on the net too. Why
>can't folks be honest and present their pictures right up front along
>with their claims or just STFU... the fact that you made that remark
>as an afterthought about you remember pictures is indicative of your
>guilt, like you realized you would be doubted because everyone would
>see your nose growing.
>I know a family in Florida who bragged for months about some new
>citrus trees they planted... I knew immediately they were lying
>because they refered to "citrus" trees instead of indicating which
>kind. So I asked for pictures. It took nearly two years... all I was
>emailed were a few pictures of a couple of fruit on a branch with a
>few leaves, taken with telephoto too, no background whatsoever
>consistant with where they live, so heavily cropped I knew immediately
>they were glommed off the net... and when I asked what kind of citrus
>they never responded.
>I think this winter I may begin saving those little stickers they slap
>on produce, so next season when I post photos of my crop yoose will
>see those stickers on my veggies and say I bought them. I'm supprised
>no one has accused me of buying the produce in my pictures... they
>can't... I always make it a point to include some indisputable
>identifying evidence that they're mine that can't be reproduced by
>anyone but me. And I've never made a post claiming to have done
>something with the nebulous promise to post pictures at some later
>date, that's what liars do. If yoose got pictures post them along
>with the explanation. But don't blow smoke with you'll post pictures
>IF you remember. I know, tomorrow you'll claim your camera is
>broken... but you own two houses and all kinds of stuff and more than
>anyone else but you can't afford a new camera, Duh'Wayne.