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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 1,025
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

TFM® > wrote in

> Damn, I hate making new enemies as I have enough old ones, but WTF
> does everybody have against Peter Lucas?

They are scared, and jealous.

Do you notice that all of them, apart from that dumb piece of dog shit
3Dogs, is an anonymous/faceless poster?

'Big men' hiding behind their computer screens.

> Could you be jealous?

That is what they most definitely are. Just look at it........ just
about *every* post they make is about me........ every waking thought
thay have is about me..... and they spend a *lot* of time online. Why is

*They have no life*!!!!

All thay have is the internet, and the 'lives' they build for themselves
on it. And it's all fake. They are internet frauds...... and thay have
the time and the motive to try and bury someone in their bullshit....
just because that someone has proven them in the past to be the complete
fraud (or ****wit) that they are.

But then you have 3Dogs (it's not faceless). It's nothing more than a
self-absorbed, whiney, little drama queen who's nose is so far out of
joint because someone (me) *dares* to ignore it!!

(BTW, 3Dogs, I changed my phone number, so you can't call again..... but
*please* don't go on the ng asking people if they know what I'm doing,
or how I am because you're 'scared' you haven't heard from me/returned
your calls.)

And lets not even mention that moron, morrow!!

Does anyone ever wonder why it never posts a picture of itself??

> "What do you seek?"
> "Information"

That's exactly what they seek. And when they don't get anything, they
make something up. Their motto is.....Why let the truth get in the way
of a good bullshit story??

Do you notice they use my full name, and the full name of my partner??
Why is that?? It's because they think they have a 'weapon'.... something
to try and use against me.

Which is why they use her name in their sick little fantasies. Trying to
get a response. They are weak, gutless, little 'men'. Too afraid to come
out from behind their computer screens to let everyone see what they are
*really* like.

The one fraud posting as "George", and "rmg", and "pundelmurra" is an
alcoholic loner who used to masquerade as a Vietnam POW..... till I
outed it as a fraud and a liar.

Oh...... it also faked it's own death to try and get a fresh start with
a new identity on the 'net.

The other stalker, 'hey-zues', is an out and out fraud and liar.

Possibly even a convicted and jailed thief. I'm still checking into

It has been proven many times to be a con artist.

It makes threats to certain people to get a response, and then sits at
it's computer screen whacking it's little willy.

At one stage several years ago, it was big noting itself on the ng's by
saying that it was going to meet me and beat me to a pulp.

I turned up to the designated spot, at the designated time........ and
it was a no-show.

And the funny thing was....... it swore black and blue on the ng's that
it was there, and *I* didn't show!!

Unfortunately for it, I had witnesses :-)

So, in the end......... I have 3 sceaming queens (hey-zues, 3dogs and
the moron) and one alcoholic fraudulent liar all 'lusting' after me.

I suppose it gives their pathetic lives some sort of semblence.

Hey!! I'm doing 'community service'!!

Peter Lucas

If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?