Restaurant Tipping
On Oct 21, 5:48�pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> m...
> > wrote:
> >> I will be going out to dinner with my parents, one parent having a
> >> feeding tube and therefore unable to eat. �Should I tip more to
> >> compensate for the missing entree? �The feeding tube is fairly recent,
> >> and this will be our first time out. �Haven't seen this topic before.
> >> Thanks for any help you can offer!
> > You should order an extra meal complete with appetizer, dessert, coffee
> > and a drink or two for the parent who has the feeding tube and pay a
> > percentage of the bill that you normally would. That way no one can
> > complain that the one with the feeding tube is taking up space or denying
> > the server an opportunity to make a tip on him/her.
> Where do you get this stuff?
What kind of people bring someone on a feeding tube to a restaurant,
sounds kinda morbid. There's gotta be a joke in there somewhere...
these three blind guys with tubes go to the braille titty bar...