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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Default Freezing cornbread?

On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:38:03 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> wrote:

>Tracy wrote:
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> Stupid question (yes, there are stupid questions), does it
>>> freeze well? It goes bad so fast, and I bought too much.

>> I've frozen my own. I cut the pan into squares and put them all in a
>> zipper bag. When I want a piece I take a square out and nuke it for a
>> minute.
>> The DH doesn't like cornbread - but I gotta have cornbread with chili.

>You know, I never caught onto that combination, but next time
>I make chili, I'll make cornbread. Thanks.

The combination may be a regional thing too. I'd never even heard of
it until I was in my 30's and had dinner with a friend at her parents
home. I commented I would never have thought of the combination.
They told me that was because I was a northerner. <shrug> The meal
was rather unremarkable. This was before I had taken an interest in

Now that I cook I've tried the combination several times using various
cornbread recipes and I still don't understand the mix. I do love
cornbread but I grew up with it as breakfast food and was always
served with something sweet like butter and syrup. Maybe i just can't
get past my upbringing. I dunno.

Recently I've been making the Chi-Chi's spoonbread clone recipe and
very much prefer that with chili Mexican dishes.
