Alan S > wrote:
> Nick Cramer > wrote:
> >Nicky > wrote:
> >> I've been hankering after Jennifer Eloff's books for a while, but for
> >> some reason they're prohibitively expensive in the UK. I was delighted
> >> to find this recipe on-line recently:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Nick, if you're reading this, I bet this makes good scones - just note
> >> the amount / liquid notes at the bottom.
> >
> >Thanks, Nicky. You know I follow you around like an old hound dog. ;-)
> >
> >When I went to the web site, it shut my computer down. @#$%^&
> Ingredients & Methods [Snipped, but saved]
Thanks, Nicky and Alan!
Nick. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their families!
I've known US vets who served as far back as the Spanish American War.
They are all my heroes! Thank a Veteran and Support Our Troops.
You are not forgotten. Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~