On 2008-10-23, Dan Abel > wrote:
> It's very touristy. Some people like that, that's why there are so many
> tourists there.
OTOH, some really cool stuff, too. Tour the USS Pampanito, a WWII
submarine. If you ever liked those sub movie classics like Enemy Below or
Destination Tokyo, it will be an eye-opener of the first degree. Anone who
served on a sub carries his balls in a wheelbarrow.
Like good fresh cooked crab? FW! Street performers? I've seen some
fantastic stuff. Pier 39? Entertainment, killer food, unusual shops
(wonder if the all Russian place is still there? I could use a hat!).
I've been going to FW for 55 yrs. Most is pure schlock, but some really
cool gems in the ruff. The one major thorn, parking! $4hr....and that years
ago! Bring $$$$.