San Francisco So Far
Steve wrote on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 16:57:28 +0000 (UTC):
>> On Oct 24, 9:42 am, (Steve Pope) wrote:
>>> I like Washington D.C. alright but it is seldom on people's
>>> lists of favorite cities. Outside of Georgetown and Dupont
>>> Circle it does not seem like there are that many places to
>>> just hang out. I do not know that the city would sustain my
>>> interest. Tons of tourist attractions, however.
>> I understand some of the poorest ghettoes are a few blocks
>> from the White House...
> All great cities have poor ghettos. New York, London... it's
> part of being a great city, that people in all circumstances
> find it advantageous to be there.
Things keep changing. Georgetown was once one of the "poorest ghettoes"
until gentrification in the mid-20th century and Capitol Hill is in the
same process.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: