"Harry in Iowa" > wrote in message
. 225.136...
> Hi all,
> It is deer season and a frind of mine is giving me a deer to make
> jerky out of. I was thinking I might do some experimenting. Does anyone
> have any recipes for smoking venison? It will be delivered to me gutted.
> what I do to it after that is up to me. Any suggestions?
> The real and often immitated Harry in Iowa
You want to make the jerky the same day the deer is killed.
If it is killed and cleaned in freezing weather you can stretch
that out to two days. Aged Venison makes funky jerky.
If you don't use it immediately, freeze it and use it in amounts
you can comfortably process.
The better the quality of your spices, especially the pepper,
the better your jerky will be. Simple spice blending makes
the best jerky. Try not to exceed four spices. It's not supposed
to have too complex a mix. Makes it tastes funny.
Salt, Black Pepper, Cayenne, Coriander.
Salt, Black Pepper, Garlic Powder, Ginger Powder.
Salt, Chili Powder, Onion Powder, Allspice.
The round and back leg meat makes the best jerky.
Everything else should be made into sausage or chili meat.
Always cut the meat with the grain, not across.
Make sure to remove any fat and connective tissue.
If it's too tough to cut, freeze it for a couple of hours
and it will be easier to handle.
The smoke house should be 180 to 190 for the first
thirty minutes and down to 110 to 120 after that.
Depending on how your drying it, thickness and humidity
it can take twelve to sixteen hours.
When you bend it and it splinters it's ready.
Mr. Wizard
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