Acckk!!!!!! I forgot to get my beans started!!
On Sat 25 Oct 2008 11:41:35a, Christine Dabney told us...
> Acckk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I totally spaced on starting my cranberry beans soaking last night. I
> know that it isn't absolutely necessary, but I usually do it.
> Okay..what is the method to quick soak/cook them? I never use it, so
> I forget what it is.
> I want these for the minestrone....
> Christine
Cover beans with water, bring to rolling boil. Take off heat. Let it set,
covered, for 2-3 hours.
Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
Date: Saturday, 10(X)/25(XXV)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Veteran's Day
2wks 2dys 7hrs 16mins
Freedom defined is freedom denied.
--The Illuminatus