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Jeßus[_7_] Jeßus[_7_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 193
Default Ping: TFM..... was, some stalkers little fantasy.

On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 17:21:05 -0400, cybercat wrote:

> "Jeßus" > wrote in message
> ...
>> <hmm, maybe I ought to hit send, since I wrote this yesterday...>
>> On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:44:21 +0000, PeterLucas wrote:
>>> TFM® > wrote in
>>> om:
>>>> Damn, I hate making new enemies as I have enough old ones, but WTF
>>>> does everybody have against Peter Lucas?

>> peter is making a concerted effort to make (and this time try to keep)
>> new online friends in this group (which is fine in itself of course).
>> It appears (although only speculation on my part) that he now has a
>> helping hand in exercising some restraint when dealing with his
>> 'enemies'.
>> But he most certainly has a notable history both online and off-line
>> with his dealings particularly with women and the elderly - or anyone
>> he feels confident of bullying with impunity.
>> And that is being fairly generous in his favour.
>> Do a search for his posts in other newsgroups over the past several
>> years - that'll answer your question in spades...
>> His 'nym' has changed from time to time - but some a
>> PeterLucas
>> Skyscum
>> PeterL
>> Lucas,Peter

> See, here is where you look like the stalker, and where you look just >

a wee bit too interested in all of this for your own good, or for,
> let's say, a balanced view of things.

Let me (hopefully) clarify this for you.
I am definitely baiting lucas, no question about that at all. I do not
like him as a person, which is something I can't say about anyone else to
be found on Usenet - that I can think of.

OTOH, 99% of other objectionable Usenet personalities (in whatever form
that may be) are to me not an issue at all. I may or may not respond to
them... I might even stir them up sometimes.

But lucas is one messed up dude in a very malevolent way - and he bites
SO well - even when he's pretending to ignore certain people's posts...
His other replies always betray him on that score

There are plenty of unpleasant characters to be found on Usenet - most
are harmless or out for a bit of fun (in their own way).
Some are fruitloops (but basically innocuous) and some have some very
ugly personality traits. With lucas, he's one of the few individuals I
really do not like as a person - he is both a bully AND a coward - and
any of my posts relating to him sends him into a rage (he still reads my
posts). Yes, I enjoy baiting the arsehole.

"Stalking" is inaccurate, because I am not following him around - at
least that is my definition of stalking.
I've been to this group previously, albeit quite some time ago, if thats
what you mean. GG may have me archived there.
I know some of his previous nicks and other info simply because I've
known of him and his posts for several years (at least) in other groups,
and everything was sourced from his own posts.

> Trust people. They are sometimes smarter than you think.

Some are, some are very naive too.
But I do know what your saying.
TFM® asked the question - I hopefully provided some answers for them.

> I kfed Lucas within a very short time when he first appeared--to me--he
> may have been posting before me.
> He's an asshole, but not really all that dangerous.

I personally think that for most people, that is true.

For anyone weaker/older/vulnerable - I honestly think he'd be capable of
anything, given the opportunity.

In closing, I guess we either agree to disagree, or if it's a big enough
problem for you - then filter my posts. I have no problem with that and
nothing personal as far as I'm concerned if you do.