Some pet peeves salt/rare (Was Maggiano's on Post Oak)
In article 0>,
Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> On Sun 26 Oct 2008 10:08:47p, Omelet told us...
> > In article
> > >,
> > Dan Abel > wrote:
> >
> >> I'm sure the fancy places have fancier bowls, and little plates for each
> >> person.
> >>
> >> I've never tried to salt the tortilla chips, since they are already
> >> salty enough for me and the salsa is usually salty. I use a *lot* of
> >> salsa.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Dan Abel
> >
> > To me, the Salsa is generally salty enough. ;-)
> In most decent Mexican restaurants the tortilla chips are freshly prepared
> and not salted at all, but the salsa does add enough salt. If I were only
> eating the chips, I might be tempted to salt what I was eating.
Sweetie, I have no problem with somebody salting chips. What I have a
problem with is someone making that choice for the whole basket without
checking with others! I live a low sodium lifestyle and I respect
others tastes.
I just want them to respect mine!
Peace! Om
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama