It's what's for dinner!
There's some kind of orange squash in there with it, too.
Potatoes are peeled and sitting in water.
Carrots are peeled and I'm thinking about how I will prepare them; I am
willing to entertain recommendations. Right now, dillweed sprinkled on
top of sticks is leading the way.
There may be some broccoli in the fridge; I have to look.
Gravy will be made; the middle and last joint of the wings are in the
pressure cooker as we speak, along with the gizzard, a parsnip, some
Penzeys onion slices, some fresh rosemary, peppercorns, salt, and last
year's leaf celery from Jorge.
Dressing is sitting on the stove, waiting for liquid and the oven.
Doubt I'll make biscuits. Enough starch already.
I may make a run to Perkins for a couple slices of pie. It's Geezer
Discount day and their pumpkin pie is tasty.
I'm thinking about attending a cookbook review at a B&N on the other
side of the river; Raghavan Iyer
( is speaking and pitching his
books. Attending that is a serious conflict with another option ‹
staying home and watching The Big Bang Theory. Decisions, decisions.
Why the turkey? Because it's been in the freezer since last
Thanksgiving and I have to make room for its replacement. <8^)
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ, Thelma and Louise
On the Road Again - It is Finished