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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default pizza dough that can be kept?

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> zxcvbob > wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:

>>> What if you just stir in some more flour now and let it hydrate?

>> Can't; I'm at work. (maybe when I get home)
>> Ouchquithittingmewiththatbigspoon,
>> Bob

> You can run but you can't hide.

I baked it tonight; I put a handful of all-purpose flour in a big
plastic bowl and turned the goopy risen dough into it straight from the
fridge. Flipped it, and mashed it out into a disk, then pressed it into
a pizza pan. It was really elastic, so I let it rest, then stretched it
again (it had drawn up quite a bit.) The I sprinkled it with granulated
garlic, freshly-ground pepper, and a little olive oil. Then some
squished Italian canned plum tomatoes (with basil), a pinch of sugar,
covered with grated mozzarella, then sprinkled dried oregano over the
top. I almost forgot the oregano. Baked at 425 degrees for about 15 to
18 minutes.

The outer crust tastes wonderful. The bottom crust is a little soggy,
but when I let everything cool and ate a slice *warm* instead of hot it
had firmed up quite a bit and was good. Maybe I should have drained the
tomatoes a little better, or added some tomato paste.

Overall it was good, there will be leftovers for breakfast, and it only
took a couple of minutes (five, tops, including trimming and shredding
the moldy cheese) to put it together.

It's the best tasting pizza crust I've ever made.

Best regards,