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Lass Chance_2 Lass Chance_2 is offline
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Posts: 275
Default Thanksgiving Disasters

Om---how the possum got IN there remains a mystery. he got in to the
house via the doggy door...and I guess, ancient as that oven was, there
was likely a small opening somewheere at the back. Maybe he went in
thru the broiler me.

..and he was a tiny little guy, after all.


My OTHER possum tale....Last year all summer long, I slept with the
bedroom door-to-the-downstairs deck open. One night my dogs woke me up,
barking like cray, so I turned on the light to see WTH was up. They
were gatherted at the head of the bed, barking like crazy dogs. I
looked and saw a dead, full grown possum lying there...all stiff, his
mouth open, revealing rows of sharp, long teeth...his glazed eyes
staring at nothing.

Was I freaked?: YOU BETCHA!

So I looked around and saw a tee shirt, (not wanting to TOUCH the
grisley dead thing with my bare hands) and gingerly lifted it by the
tail and carried it up the stairs, the stiff corpse swinging back and
forth as I climbed.

I held it with one hand as I rumaged for a garbage bag...found one,
opened it, dropped the disgusting stiff corpse into it and tossed it
over the gate intending to dispose of it in the morning. morning...I found an empty garbage bag.

Im here to witness and proclaim that the possum's trick of PLAYING
"dead" IS a frickin outstanding feat of Nature!

That sucker was no more dead....than the dogs, who obviously
smelled/saw/sensed him when he walked IN!

When I think....what IF he had suddenly "come to life" as I carried him
by the tail, swung up and grabbed my hand with those teeth???? Man.....

The next time I see a "dead" possum, he better be squashed FLAT before
I'll believe he's really dead.


Thanksgiving Disasters

Group: Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2008, 1:41pm (EDT-2) From:
In article >,
(Lass Chance_2) wrote:
On inspection, I found a little pile of dry cat food in one corner of
the oven....evidently he had been staying in there for a while....must
have crept out at night and helped himself to a little cat food,
carrying some back to the oven forr a little snack, later.
How did he get in there? Do you keep the oven open?
Peace! Om
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