Julie Bove wrote:
> I am wondering if I need one of these? I was told I could use one to make
> single serve packets of nut butter but I would have to keep them in the
> refrigerator. You can get shelf stable single serve packs of almond and
> peanut butter, but daughter is allergic to both almonds and peanuts. I
> can't find any other nut or seed butters packaged this way. She likes to
> take nut or seed butter and jam in her lunch along with a hermetically
> sealed package of gluten free bread. But now that we know of her almond
> allergy, she can't do that. Unless of course I use a snack bag and just
> scoop some nut or seed butter into it.
Foodsaver seems like a terrible solution to me.
AFAIK, all nut butters are shelf stable. Why not get some tiny
Tupperware containers (one for jam and one for nut butter) and she can
take those, and you can refill them from your 1 pound jars in the fridge?
What about cashews, brazilnuts, and sunflower seeds?