Thanksgiving Disasters
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Lass Chance_2 seems to have mistaken Greg's attack on cyber**** for an
> attack on herself. So to set the record straight:
> Lass Chance_2 wrote:
> >>>> About ten years ago I had stuffed my bird and was ready to light the
> >>>> oven....with match in hand, I opened the oven and to my horror, saw
> Then cyber**** wrote:
> >>> Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURKEY I
> >>> COULD GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my
> >>> fiancee's family over then could not get the turkey out of the pan or
> >>> the pan out of the oven.
> Then Greg deliberately misquoted and replied:
> >> Well, I was going to tell about the time I got the BIGGEST TURD I COULD
> >> GET (because bigger just had to be better) and had all my fiancee's
> >> family over then could not get the turd out of the pan or the pan out
> >> the oven.
> >> See, we ALL knew yer "cooking" was "for shite", anyways,
> >> cybersewer...heehee...
> which Lass Chance_2 wrote:
> > Some things you need to know, Greg:
> >
> > You dont know anything about my cooking and happily, you never will. My
> dogs get ALL my leftovers.
> <snip>
> > That Ole Cybersewer
> > Lass FU Chance
> Ms. Chance_2, Greg's post was a reply to the nasty bitch who *did* write
> BIGGEST TURKEY post. It was in no way an attack on you. The term
> "cybersewer" is a generous adaptation of its pseudonym.
We'll give "Lass Chance" a break because she's a WebTeeVee'er, with their
"newsreader" it's virtually impossible to keep track of who is saying what
to whom...
In any case, my sincere apologies to Lass Chance...which name BTW strikes me
as a name Tennesse Williams would use for one of his characters.
Also, if cyberturkey could not get the bird OUT of the oven, then how did
she get it IN the oven...or was she thinking of some sorta sex act that she
practices. I don't believe her krapola story for one nanosecond anyways...
Lass's is funny, though, a possum in the oven, lol...the only thing funnier
would be to open the door and see the CYBERTWOT in yer oven...I'd quickly
lock it and close it and "roast" her on "high" for about 10
hours...afterwords you'd have to call the HAZMAT team to clean up, but it'd
be worth it, BWA...!!!
" I find Greg Morrow lowbrow, witless, and obnoxious. For him to claim that
we are some
kind of comedy team turns my stomach."
- "cybercat" to me on