"Jill" > wrote in message >. ..
> "Bill Kasting" > wrote in message
> ink.net...
> > I will be smoking a couple of Turkey Breasts this Thanksgiving and plan to
> try
> > brining them overnight as was discussed here last week.
> >
> > I'm also going to smoke a pork loin. Should I brine it as well?
> >
> >
> > Thanks for any advice.
> >
> > Bill Kasting
> >
> >
> >
> PS
> There is nothing stopping you from brining AND stuffing
Great thread-will try with 1/2 a boneless loin being brining and
stuffed and the other half just stuffed. Plan to do in a smoker at
about 225F. Think I will butterfly it on the muscle side (not fat
side) and then stuff and then tie it with cotton string.
Until the beef prices approach reality-I will be experimenting with
the other white meat.
Thanks all