Thread: PING Blinky
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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default PING Blinky

Dave Bell wrote:

> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Hoges in WA wrote:
>>> Can you please answer a question?
>>> If I have google groups things blocked like you educated us on a few months
>>> back, how come this latest Chinese crap is getting through?

>> If you're using the correct filter, then what you see is not from Google
>> Groups.

> Exactly! The latest Chinese crap I see is from

If you mean the one "Hoges in WA" just posted the Message-ID header for,
no, it's not. It's from Google Groups. The email address given in the
From header is at But that has NOTHING to do with its origin.

My GG filter (as outlined at the UIP link in my sig) kills it. But with
my normal news feed *they* have it killed before it can get to me; I don't
know what of their rules it triggered, as they don't kill GG posts. I had
to go look at the group on another server, that does not do very good (if
any) of its own spam filtering to see it at all (and, as I said, even
there I only see it if I temporarily disable my GG filter).

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