Cuthbert Thistlethwaite wrote:
> Hoges in WA wrote:
>> Can you please answer a question?
>> If I have google groups things blocked like you educated us on a few months
>> back, how come this latest Chinese crap is getting through? I suspect it's
>> not really the same as the stuff that's been blocked but just looks like it.
> I use an ancient news reader which I like, and which provides a simple
> kill file mechanism. You create a kill rule by entering any string into
> a box. Then you select whether it is expected to appear in the subject
> or in the sender. When the rule is met, the post is killed.
Unfortunately, that's weak. There are other headers that is it useful to
filter on. An example of such weak filtering capability is that offered
by Thunderbird.
> Using this, nearly all scheming Chinamen, google groups, and hateful
I note "nearly" there, since with those two headers you can't filter
Google Group spam. You're catching some of them with your minimal
filtering, but that's incidental; you're not actually filtering Google
Groups posts.
Killing all posts from Google Groups
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