beau monde
Michel Boucher > wrote in message
> "The Ranger" > wrote in
> ndwidth:
>> Michel Boucher > wrote in message
>> ...
>> ==>Michel Flambe<==
>>> By you
>> Only if you post something totally outrageous but
>> mostly no.
> And of course, asking about a US brand name was
> most outrageous...I see.
It's not one of your best, most outrageous, but it got you what
you enjoy, so yes.
>>> and in your dreams, yes.
>> You're instantly forgotten once I leave rfc.
> Ah, but you thereby imply that remember me when
> you're on rfc.
Yep; you ain't filtered. (But then again I do enjoy you getting
toasted and roasted. A pig upon a spit.)
>> So, lovey, I hate to burst your fragile bubble,
>> you're wrong (again).
> I would have to be wrong once to be wrong again...hasn't
> happened yet.
Heh. You're a legend (in your own mind.)
The Ranger