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st.helier[_1_] st.helier[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 486
Default How will you celebrate the US election results?

"Dick R." wrote ..........
> I'm breaking out a chilled bottle of bubbly regardless
> of the outcome. Of course I'll toast the winning candidates
> I voted for, but most of all I'll celebrate the end of all
> the obnoxious TV commercials.
> I'm Dick R. and I approve this message. Aarg!

What presidential elections?

Oh yes, I remember!

Although New Zealand has its own parliamentary general election this coming
Saturday, the TV coverage (and to a lesser extent other media) of the US
Presidential election has totally dominated news here in NZ.

I have never known such "interest" in this small patch of the South Pacific.

So, I shall celebrate, but not the result (personally, I like the younger,
positive, more vibrant candidate who, in my mind, represents the future of
politics; whereas, it would probably benefit NZ more, by way of a beneficial
free trade agreement if the older gentleman gained the key to the

I shall drink a glass to the absence of the circus from our airwaves.

Best of luck to all US afw contributors, no matter which side of the
political divide your interests lie.



ps - It is 8am on Wednesday 5th here, as I write. I already know the result!
If anyone want to place a late bet, let me know.