In article >,
Sqwertz > wrote:
> Dimitri > wrote:
> > Sure salt & pepper
> > put in a 400 degree oven uncovered for 30 minutes to brown.
> > OR
> > Brown on hot fat on all sides.
> > Take 2 small cans of sauerkraut and place on the bottom of a slow cooker.
> > Put the roast on top of the sauerkraut
> > add 1 cup of dry white wine.
> > cover & cook till done on high or low depending on the amount of time you
> > have.
> Butt, saurkraut, and potatoes is one of the best meals out there.
> But I'd cut a whole 6-8lb pork butt down into chunks and bury it in
> sauerkraut so that it would cook quicker and the kraut juice could
> seep into the meat more.
> > Serve with boiled potatoes.
> I always cook the potatoes with the kraut. Again - so the
> sauerkraut kinda pickles the potatoes.
> Here's a example of the finished product:
> -sw
Gods that pic made me drool. I've had very little to eat the past week
as I've been ill. My stomach hurts pretty bad right now. <sigh> It's
been about 36 hours since I've had anything. I need to decant that pot
of beef heart soup in the pressure cooker.
On the upside, starvation has lost me 5 lbs. in 8 days. <g>
Peace! Om
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." -- Dalai Lama