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Help I lost a recipe . . . (actually I lost the book)
On Nov 6, 11:52*am, Sky > wrote:
> Lynn from Fargo wrote:
> > Anybody with a copy of Julia Child (RIP) "Mastering the Art of French
> > Cooking (Volume 2 ?)". I need the recipe for Navarin de Printemps
> > (Lamb Stew). Yes I googled it (on the net, not in this group) and what
> > appeared was an oddly familiar quote. (When I went to the quote . . .
> > it was ME!) *Anyway, I lost the book years ago but I haven't made the
> > dish in so long I can't remember all the ingredients/method. Is some
> > kind soul willing to post this for me?
> > Lynn in Fargo
> What I found is in Volume I, page 344: *"Lamb Stew; Ragouts, Navarins,
> et Haricots de Mouton". *I hope I've quoted the one you need:
> ******** begin recipe *********
> "Navarin Printanier" *Lamb Stew with Spring Vegetables
> 3 lbs lamb stew meat
> 2 to 4 Tb rendered fresh pork fat or cooking oil
> 10" or 12" skillet
> fireproof covered casserole
> 1 Tb granulated sugar
> 1 tsp salt
> 1/4 tsp pepper
> 3 Tbs flour
> 2 to 3 cups brown lamb- or beef-stock or canned beef bouillon
> 1/4 lb tomatoes peeled, seeded, juiced & chopped (1 cup of pulp)
> * * * *or 3 Tb tomato paste
> 2 cloves mashed garlic
> 1/4 tsp thyme or rosemary
> 1 bay leaf
> 6 to 12 peeled "boiling" potatoes
> 6 peeled carrots
> 6 peeled turnips
> 12 to 18 peeled white onions, about 1" in diameter
> 1 cup shelled green pease
> 1/4 lb or about 1 cup green beans cut into about 1/2" pieces
> 3 quarts boiling water
> 1.5 Tbs salt
> Preheat oven to 450F degrees.
> Cut lamb into 2" cubes & dry with paper towels. *The meat will not brown
> if it is damp. *Brown a few pieces at a time in hot fat or oil in the
> skillet. *As they are browned, place in the casserole.
> Sprinkle lamb in the casserole with sugar and toss over moderately high
> heat for 3 to 4 minutes until the sugar has caramelized.
> Toss the meat with S&P, then with the flour. *Set casserole uncovered in
> the middle level of the preheated oven for 4 to 5 minutes. *Toss the
> meat & return it to the oven for 4 to 5 minutes more. *This browns the
> flour evenly and coats the lamb with a light crust. *Remove casserole
> and turn oven down to 350F degrees.
> Pour out the fat; add 2 cups of stock or bouillon to saute skillet.
> Bring to a boil and scrape up coagulated saute juices. *Then pour the
> liquid into the casserole. *Bring to a simmer for a few seconds, shaking
> and stirring to mix liquid and flour. *Add the tomatoes or tomato paste
> and the other ingredients. *Bring to a simmer for 1 minute, then add
> more stock if necessary; meat should be almost covered by liquid.
> Put lid on the conasserole and set in lower third of preheated oven;
> regulate heat so casserole simmers slowly and regularly for 1 hour.
> Then pour the contents of the casserole into a sieve set over a bowl.
> Rinse out the casserole. *Remove any loose bones and return the lamb to
> the casserole. *Skim the fat off the sauce in the bowl, correct
> seasoning, and pour sauce back into casserole. *Then add the vegetable
> which have been prepared as follows:
> While the lamb is simmering, trim potatoes into ovals 1.5" long, and
> over with cold water until ready to use. *Quarter the carrots & turnips,
> cut them into 1.5" lengths, and if you have the patience, trim the edges
> to round them slightly. *Pierce a cross in the root ends of the onions
> so they will cook evenly.
> Press the vegetables into the casserole around and between the pieces of
> lamb. *Baste with the sauce. *Bring to a simmer on top of the stove,
> cover and return to the oven. *Regulate heat so liquid simmers slowly
> and steadily for about an hour longer or until the meat & veetables are
> tender when pierced with a fork. *Remove from oven, tilt casserole, and
> skim off fat. *Taste sauce again and correct seasoning.
> While the casserole is in the oven, drop the peas and beans into boiling
> salted water and boil rapidly, uncovered, for 5 minutes or until the
> vegetables are almost tender. *Immediately drain in a colander. *Run
> cold water over them for 2 to 3 minutes to stop the cooking and to set
> the color. *Put aside until ready to use.
> Shortly before serving, place the peas & beans in the casserole on top
> of the other ingredients and baste with the bubbling sauce. *Cover and
> simmer about 5 minutes or until the green vegetables are tender.
> Serve the "navarin" from its casserole or arrange it on a very hot
> platter.
> ******** end of recipe *******
> Hope this helps and I didn't make too many typos 
> Sky
> --
> Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
> Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice
THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember the sugar to help carmelize
the lamb. It wasn't in any other recipe I read (at least eight).
Forever grateful,
Lynn in Fargo