The Oasis Winery in Fauquier County, one of Virginia's oldest, has
been on the market since May 2007 and is now selling for $4.75
million. Such is the mystique of Oasis that basketball star Shaquille
O'Neal, an apparent oenophile, and a group of investors were said to
be on the verge of buying it last year. But infighting between members
of the owning family has bedeviled attempts to sell the vineyard,
winery, tasting room and four-bedroom French country-style home that
sit on 108 acres.
On one side are co-owners Dirgham Salahi, 82, an Israeli immigrant,
and his wife, Corinne Salahi, 63, who want to unload their stake and
pay off debt.
On the other is their polo-playing son, Tareq Salahi, 39, also a
co-owner, and his wife, Michaele, a former Washington Redskins
cheerleader who is now a Richmond lobbyist. The son, a member of the
Virginia Tourism Authority, is hurrying to team up with investors to
buy what he views as his heritage before someone else steps in.