Gravy from pan drippings?
Jen wrote:
Wow! Original poster here. These are all great ideas! I'll have to
decide which one to use and then plan a meal around it. Thanks for all
the wonderful suggestions!
GM replies:
I am just doing my Saturday - afternoon - listening - to PBS - cooking -
shows bit and Lidia Bastinich of _Lidia's Table_ made a roast turkey with a
balsamico glaze...GAWD, it looked good! She reduced the balsamico to about
a third of original volume (adding some rosemary, etc.), brushed the done
turkey with it and then put it in back in the oven for a little whiles to
nicely brown...the drippings from this would make a nice gravy/sauce (I
missed that part of the show 'cos the UPS guy came)...this would work well
for chicken, too.