Boos Cutting Boards vs Bamboo ?
In article >,
Nina > wrote:
> On Sat, 08 Nov 2008 11:29:45 -0500, Goomba >
> wrote:
> >I've always admired the well made John Boos maple cutting boards after
> >seeing them and having read Sheldon's praise of them years ago.
> >I recently broke my smaller most used board and am looking to replace
> >it. BedBath&Beyond has decent prices on the Boos boards, but they also
> >have the new bamboo boards which I know from flooring use is very, very
> >hard. It could actually be too hard for comfort, I'm thinking?
> >Does anyone have a bamboo board and how do they like it?
> I've had bamboo boards for years, and I like them very much. They
> seem to me to be harder and less absorbent than wood, so they clean
> better. They wear very well on the whole... the only thing is that
> it's a good idea to be careful about drying because otherwise they can
> swell and come apart a little where they are seamed (for lack of a
> better way of putting it). Same thing with a wood board that isn't a
> solid piece.
> I don't find them too hard... pretty comparable to wood, better
> arguably.
> Nina
I've considered getting one too, but have been concerned that they may
dull my knife blades faster. Is this a legitimate worry?
Peace! Om
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