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Steve B
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Default price to sharpen knives

$6.50 is too high, as is anything over about $0.50 an inch. I am
retired except for consulting, and only sharpen part-time. At 50 cents
an inch, I can make up to $50 an hour at a farmers market working alone,
and $75 an hour when someone is handling intake and payment. Hardly
McDonalds wages. And don't worry that I don't do a good job. My
services include repairing broken tips and reducing bolsters, and every
blade is shaving sharp. After all, to borrow a phrase, I wrote the
book, and I have taught dozens of others to enter this business.

Sharpening Made Easy: A Primer on Sharpening Knives and Other Edged
Tools by Steve Bottorff Copyright January 2002 Knife World Publications
E-mail: steve AT sharpeningmadeeasy DOT com