Unappetizing food language in North American English
Dave Smith > wrote in news:491b2d58$0$5527
> The French and
> Germans were right about that, and the continuing violence in Iraq are
> clear indications that they were right about the chaos that would....
> did.. result.
Not just them. I sent out a clear warning right here on rfc, on 07 March
2003 (thirteen days before Bush lost his mind), when I responded to Pan
Ohco in the following terms:
"Has it occurred to you that this whole thing might just be totally wrong-
headed? Starting a war in the Gulf right now is like taking a baseball bat
to a hornet's nest."
Message-ID: >
Could I have been clearer? No. Did I do my bit for world peace? Yes, and
yet they didn't listen. Oh well...it turned out I was correct also.
And oddly enough it was in response to a French-bashing thread then too.
Plus çà change, plus c'est la même chose.
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes