Unappetizing food language in North American English
"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in
> He HATES the English language and also ALL Anglophones, he holds them
> in sneering contempt...in fact I believe he is on some sort of "Do Not
> Enter" list for the United States!
You obviously have drawn conclusions which are diametrically opposed to
my behaviour. If as you say I truly hated anglophones, I would refuse to
have anything to do with them. If you want to meet someone who holds
anglophones in contempt, you should meet my cousin Stéphane. He will
spit in your face before you even say a second word (in English).
I freely converse with you and others like you in YOUR language, and I
keep myself informed on matters which emanate from the US (and elsewhere
around the world) and may have an impact on the situation here. I would
be a fool not to. During the Bush years, I was a vocal critic of the US
government's policies and actions with respect to foreign issues, and of
some of its "luminaries". I am also critical of the current gummint in
I am pleased with the election of Obama, which to me completes a circle
which began, for me, in the early 60's, when I first took notice of the
movement to emancipate the black population in the southern US states.
At which point I ask you...how could you NOT welcome a black man in the
White House? Of course, you didn't say you didn't, but given your
squealy rants lately, I can only assume that you would have preferred the
baked Alaskan and her nearly dead running mate to the current winner.
I anticipate that my attitude towards the US government will improve as
it shows an openness which was sorely lacking, evidenced in the election
of so many pasty white guys (Nixon, Reagan, Bush, pater and filius).
> Politically speaking he is also a die - hard COMMUNIST
Marxist, not communist. Very big diff.
> who would love
> nothing more than seeing old Soviet - style communism reigning as the
> one and only socio - political system in all the world.
> His ideal
> world would be present - day Cuba - - with a swinging Francophone
> beat, natch...
There is much to be said for Cuba. Universal health care is one, free
education is another.
> That said I always enjoy Michel's food posts, I myself have learned
> much about poutine and other things...those French Canadians surely
> have a penchant for rustic peasant dishes.
Aw, you really really love me...
> I know he'll really appreciate that subscription to _The Western
> Standard_ and _The Collected Works of Mark Steyn_ ("bound in calfskin,
> embossed in gold...")
Save your money and buy yourself a kitchen tool (ObFood). I read
Macleans as part of my job and I suspect I have read more Mark Steyn than
you can even know exists.
> that I'm gifting him for the upcoming holiday
> (in his case New Year's, him being a communist Christmas is verboten
> and all...)...
And I'll be sending you a copy of the life of Eugene Debs...because you
could use some socializing. This hard-nosed right-winger shtick may work
on the rubes in your neck of the woods, but I see through it. The
prescription is simple...you need to get out more :-)
Enough. I'm going to bed.
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes