Unappetizing food language in North American English
Michel wrote on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 07:30:26 -0600:
> Chee, did I say this was about a single country? I think I was
> quite clear that it wasn't. And how can you know it predates
> the creation of the US? Again with the thin skin...or is this
> your subtle way of saying that as a USAian, you are blissfully
As an unapologetic American immigrant, I find the term "USAian",
unappetizing, difficult to pronounce and a clumsy coinage.
> and willingly unaware of anything before 1776? Because, you
> know, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not