Grocery stores
Omelet wrote on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 12:47:17 -0600:
>> T wrote:
> >> Self checkouts, there's my hot button issue. If you don't
> >> know how to use it either ask for help or move to a line
> >> with a cashier. It's not rocket science.
>> It's my button issue too, but apparently in a different way.
>> I refuse to use them. I still like to deal with humans.
> Ditto. I detest self-checkout lines.
> I don't trust them with my debit card. Heard/read too many
> stories of double charges.
I tend to agree about disliking self-checkout especially for produce
items without bar codes that have to be found on a monitor tho' there is
a trend to having coding machines in the produce section. I don't have a
debit card by choice.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: