Grocery stores
<RJ> said...
> On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 16:34:57 -0800, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
>>The markets must think we are idiots with their savings deals but one is
>>virtually forced into playing their games.
>>Who are they kidding?
> My local FRY's Grocery prices everything at 150%.
> When you use your club-card, they reduce the price
> to 100%, then brag about how much $$ they've saved you.
> ( their "reduced" price is still spendy )
> I can't wait for a WalMart supercenter to come to town !
I pay too much at the ACME chain here in PA, meanwhile a friend in L.A.
confounds me with his prices at Albertsons (ACME's parent) that are
seriously dirt cheap compared to here.
Makes me want to go to Kalifornia to supermarket shop!
Wegmans (northeast regional) just announced a 10-20% reduction on popular
food items but most of those are the Wegmans brands of stuff. Too bad
they're so far away from me, any savings I'd probably use up in gasoline
getting there and back.
For bulk items I shop at BJ's Wholesale club. I wish they'd put food prices
on their website! Instead, they force you to come in and hunt and peck
around. And they're not always cheap either.