"jacquie" > wrote in message
> When Wayne found out I was no longer doing Christmas Dinner he got a bit
> upset because we won't have leftover Turkey...I informed him I can by
> Turkey anytime
I do casseroles and soup with leftovers..sure helps save
> on the grocery bill
I think it's funny that people never think to do turkey other than at
Thanksgiving. We never do a whole turkey. I got one once, already cooked.
Just had to heat it up. I had such a mess! I think I used a foil roaster.
I just remember getting greasy juice all over the kitchen. Nobody knew how
to carve the thing and nobody wanted to deal with the bones. Never again.
I also remember what I did with the leftovers. It was nasty. Saw it on
Rachel Ray. Boboli pizza with a topping of cranberry sauce, some kind of
cheese and the turkey. It tasted horrible.