Grocery stores
On Thu 13 Nov 2008 07:35:52p, cshenk told us...
> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote
>>> Same here. If they give me a 10% discount for doing the labor, I may
>>> change my mind. What gets me is that they have an attendant for the
>>> four
> Me, I like to keep folks working.
I agree with that. If there’s an empty checker, I’ll get in their line,
but most often the lines are crowded. I don’t think their wanting for
> When I was young, 'self gas stations' were rare. Now, it is almost
> imposible to find one with someone to pump the gas if you need it. They
> are 'supposed' to help those with disability plates, but they dont.
> Helped many a person who was mobility impared when no one would come
> out.
I’ve done that, too, and am always happy to do so.
>> I have a lot of button issues, not the least of which is anyone, either
>> in a self-check line or a regular checkout line, that doesn't know how
>> to use the damned card reader for their debit/credit cards, much less
>> knowing where to insert the cash if that's what they're using. Worse
>> yet, in a
> When I came back in 2007 aer being gone before 9/11/2001, I found a
> world of new checkout tools and since I didnt grow with them (they were
> not there when I left) I sometimes had to ask for minor help.
Naturally, and so would I. However, the machines came in gradually, and I
can’t believe the number of people who still seem to be totally clueless in
using them.
> I prefill as much of the check as possible, but cashiers no longer
> process them as fast as they used to.
You’re doing it right. It’s the people (usually women) who haven’t even
bothered to take the checkbook out of their purse and are usually yammering
on their cell phone paying no attention to the cashier or what progress her
order is in.
>> If I have 2-3 bags worth of items, I'd much prefer using the self-check
>> line because I can scan it, bag it the way I want it, and pay for it
>> more
> I tried that but the majority of what I need and get are fresh veggies
> and fruits that have to be weighed and some arcane number punched in.
> It';s faster for me and less frustrating for others if i go the normal
> checkout. I may after all have as many as 50 things that need to be
> weighed and a code punched in.
Machines vary widely from store to store. Most of the stores I frequent
have machines that have touch screens with pictures of the produce. All
you have to do is touch the picture and place the produce on the scanner.
Obviously, too, people have different needs and priorities. I doubt that
the majority of posters here would be the type that drive me nuts.
Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
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Date: Thursday, 11(XI)/13(XIII)/08(MMVIII)
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