In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:
> cshenk wrote:
> > When I was young, 'self gas stations' were rare. Now, it is almost
> > imposible to find one with someone to pump the gas if you need it.
> > They are 'supposed' to help those with disability plates, but they
> > dont. Helped many a person who was mobility impared when no one would
> > come out.
> I haven't the vaguest idea why people knock us not having
> self serve. You pull up, a nice person comes over and pumps
> your gas. It's great!
Self serve started gradually here. For a while, towards the end, there
were token full serve pumps, but nobody used them. The surcharge was
US$.50 per gallon. If gas was US$1.499 at the self serve pump, it was
US$1.999 at the full serve pump. That works out to about US$150 per
hour, for someone who probably got 5 minutes training. No thanks. It
would be different if it was faster, but it isn't.
I don't remember the last time I interacted with an employee at a gas
station. Probably in Oregon, which doesn't allow self serve. Here in
California, I drive up to the pump, stick my credit card in, pump the
gas, get my receipt from the pump and drive off.
My local Costco sells gas. I try to buy it there, although it isn't
worth a special trip to me. They have 8 gas lines. Each line has two
pumps (actually there are only 8 pumps, but they are double-sided).
There is one employee on duty. His job is to put out fires and clean up
spills. They take no cash or checks, so the employee never touches
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA