Albertson's "upscale"?
Read an article in Time magazine about Aldi's, the Mid-West discount grocer.
The article claimed "...many are leaving upscale grocers like Whole Foods
and Albertson's..." ???? Say what?
Since when is Albertson's upscale? It's not even as upscale as Safeway, who
is trying to reinvent itself into the upscale market, with the usual absurd
prices to match. In fact,, Alberston's was the cheapest market in our area,
with the lowest prices, best sales, etc. Medium selection, pricey produce,
but great prices, everall. Being on a budget and a fanatical price watcher, I
shopped Alberstson's 95% of the time.
It appears the author of the Time piece has never done any serious shopping.