Help! High Sugar, High pH, & High TA premium Cabernet Sauvignon must
Darin wrote:
> Today, I will take delivery of 1/2 ton of
> premium Napa Valley Cabernet
> Sauvignon, courtesy of the Caldwell vineyard and
> Peter Brehm. This is by far the most expensive
> barrel we've ever made, and fittingly it
> promises to be the most challenging.
> Every variable seems to be extreme, including 28
> Brix, pH 3.80, and TA
> at 0.67. My goal is to make a "big red
> California fruit bomb", without excessive
> intervention.
> Hopefully, the masters of this news group can
> give me some guidance and I can thereby avoid
> screwing up what has potential for an incredible
> vintage.
> The first thing I'm going to do is confirm the
> chemistry and then ameliorate with acidulated
> water (7g/L) to reduce brix to 24.5 (I'll remove
> as much free run as water added).
> Then I'll have a look at TA and pH and see where
> I stand. I'm considering raising the TA to as
> high as 0.75 to get what meagre
> decrease in pH might be possible. Then, with a
> pH I expect to be around 3.7 - 3.8, I'll have to
> start the ferment, follow with ML, press, and
> then send the sulphited wine to the cool cellar
> to age, precipitate KHT, and enjoy life in its
> new oak barrel.
> Does this sound reasonable? In the past, I've
> always used the rule of
> thumb that pH should be less than 3.5 before
> fermenting. I don't want an overly acidic wine,
> though - isn't that the California approach
> these days (4x4)?
> Thanks much in advance,
> Darin
Have you considered the possibility of blending
before ferment with another Cabernet or another
variety such as Merlot or Sangiovese with lower
pH, and brix values?