Albertson's "upscale"?
On 2008-11-14, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> I haven't seen in-house coffee roasting -- this
> is a skilled operation, I wonder how they do it?
Not that skilled, with computer-timed PID'd fluid-bed roasters like WF has,
it's strictly a burger flip operation. This is only a gourmet coffee
bean bar, there still being a Starbie's in the house.
> Nor have I seen a hot nut counter. Were you kidding
> about that?
Nope. Got one in the newer Lvrmr Safeway out by the freeway, it being a
major convergience/stop for workers commuting out of SFBA to Central Valley.
Natch, it also got the dimly lit soothing country store produce dept
treatment, too, so they can charge prices like, persimmons: $3.95 EA!!