Outside the work or a couch?
On Fri 14 Nov 2008 06:19:31p, Joseph Littleshoes told us...
> Hor's d'oeuvre or canapes? perhaps entree volantes? technically served
> after the soup rather than before the meal, but i am a bit bored with
> deviled eggs & cheese straws ....hmmmm...even stuffed mushrooms seem
> repetitive, now pates Mazarine? a small pastry case filled with a
> druxelles? Dollop of cheese on top? i've wanted to make 'rissoles' ever
> since i heard them referenced on the BBC sitcom "Are you being served?"
> Tartlets Marly seems interesting but its too late to think of altering
> the basic recipe.
> Tartlets Marly
> ----------------------
> Prepare some deep tartlet cases and coat the insides with a thin layer
> of fine game sausage [forcemeat],
> Fill them with thin small slices of cooked breast of pheasant and
> truffle mixed with pheasant flavored salmis sauce. Cover with a layer
> of the same sausage and place in the oven for a few minutes to cook;
> serve from a cloth [serviette.]
> And i don't have pheasant or truffles handy. Though a fine chicken and
> shrimp sausage, with slices of chicken, perhaps a butter, garlic,
> shallots, mushroom & wine sauce...
> The hor's d'oevure recipes are small meals in themselves, the canapes
> are just settings for a flavored butter or other small bit of something.
> What's that term "amuse bouche"?
> Several small bowels of compound butters & various breads?
You had me salivating there, Joseph, until you got to “bowels”.
> *sigh* oh well i can dream....at least this year my regular bowl of
> olives will be marinated & from the local Italian deli rather than a can
> to be accompanied by the ubiquitous celery & carrot sticks, 'cocktail'
> bread, cheese, fruit & wine. I do have an Escoffier recipe for
> marinated radishes.....i wonder if i could do a radish rose & then
> marinate it? hmmmm....come to think of it some daikon & hearts of palm,
> thinly sliced might be nice.
A radish rose will open more if you marinate it or soak it in ice water.
> With a little editing this canapes a la danoise might be doable
> Canapes a la Danoise
> ---------------------------------
> Heat a slice of brown bread cut to the usual size, coat it with a layer
> of Horseradish Butter and cover this with strips of smoked salmon.
> --
> The unedited version has the salmon layered alternately with thin strips
> of herring fillets marinated in white wine and lines of caviare.
> --
> JL
Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
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Date: Friday, 11(XI)/14(XIV)/08(MMVIII)
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