Albertson's "upscale"?
notbob wrote:
> On 2008-11-14, Sqwertz > wrote:
> > They were even better when they were the original Lucky's stores.
> > Comparing Safeway to Lucky's was like comparing night and day.
> Apparently, Lucky's is back. Just before I left CA, one of the two Alby
> stores in Lvrmr was going back to Lucky's, or so I heard. Safeway ....the
> one store name that has remained constant.... has gone way upscale in the
> SFBA market. A wine tasting section, gourmet coffee dept w/ in-house
> roasting, and something I haven't seen since the WT Grant and SH Kress days
> ...a hot nut counter! Look out, WF.
> nb
the new two story whole foods in pasadena, ca has a hot nut counter.
harriet & critters in azusa (where it is very warm this evening due to
the santana winds blowing)