Spam Turns Serious and Hormel Turns Out More
On 2008-11-15, Gregory Morrow > wrote:
> Spam, a gelatinous 12-ounce rectangle of spiced ham and pork, may be among
> the world's most maligned foods.....
I eschewed Spam for years, having grown sick of eating it in my youth. But,
Spam is not to be denied. I'm back in the fold and keep a can or two on
hand at all times. My favorite use for spam is a breakfast burrito.
For a breakfast burrito, simply dice a can of spam and a few potatoes
(preferably pre-baked or nuked) and fry 'em up in hot skillet till golden
brown and semi-crispy. Add some beaten eggs for a spud/spam scramble and
shovel into heated flour tortillas and roll. Add favorite hot sauce or
salsa and gorge. Yum! Cheap Good Eats.