"Secrets of a restaurant chef" Another foodTV flop!
Gloria P wrote:
> Margaret Suran wrote:
>> What about David Rosengarten or whatever his name is. Is he still
>> around? I like him. A lot!
> I agree. I loved watching and listening to him.
> Last I saw a few years ago he was on at 7AM.
> gloria p
Thank you. He usually made a whole main course for himself on the show,
then ate it, after pouring some wine for himself and you could see how
much he enjoyed the food. If the food didn't call for wine, he would
open a bottle of beer at times and drink that.
He had two little daughters and he had them visit him on the set for
special effect, like the time he baked brownies and the older one was
there. It was a huge success and a few weeks later he had both girls
there, to help him make Madeleines and hoping the cookies would have the
same effect on the little girls as they had on Proust. They did not,
both girls had trouble swallowing even one little taste. David
Rosengarten (was that his name?) was sooo disappointed, but he was proud
of his daughters, who behaved like little ladies, even though they were
disappointed that the Madeleines were not what they had expected.
I wonder what happened to him.