Omelet said...
> In article ications>,
> "Paul & Robin Barrett" > wrote:
>> Just bought one at a garage sale. Never used one before. Is there
>> anything that these things work especially well with? Chicken breasts
>> maybe? Any and all help, recipes and advice will be appreciated.
>> Paul Barrett
> They work great with any boneless meat!
I owned two at separate times, a large one with temp control and a micro
without temp control. Things can cook really fast. You'll have to get used
to the temp/times. More importantly, all foods have to be the same height
or the tallest food wins and the others will only cook from bottom up and
may come out somewhat raw topside.
Due to the way it's made, flip and shift foods around at times to prevent
one side from getting more done than the other. Depending on food
thickness/placement, the floating hinge CAN be unkind!
Also, take that plastic grease trap and throw it away, in favor of paper
plates that fit correctly in place. Less to clean. Let it solidify after
cooking and throw in the trash. Also after removing foods and unplugging,
wet a few folds of paper towels with water and close them inside to help
steam loosen up any caked on crusted on bits then, after the meal, use dry
ones to wipe the grooves clean.
Or not!