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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Today's Farmers Market Haul

Giusi wrote:
> "jmcquown" ha scritto nel messaggio
>> Lin wrote:
>>> It had been a couple weeks (or more) since a serious FM visit. But,
>>> today it was a must go, as we needed eggs and my "Lamb Guy" had a
>>> leg>> of lamb waiting for me to pick up.

>> Lin, you seriously kill me with reports of being able to buy eggs
>> and meat > at a farmer's market. I get slammed here all the time
>> by saying I've never > seen such a thing. Truly, not everyone has a
>> farmer's market that sells these things. Sorry guys and gals! It's
>> true, it doesn't happen everywhere. No artesan breads, either! I'm
>> glad you got a good haul; sure sounds like it
>> Jill

> Different towns, different laws, different populations and different
> ideas on what to buy. The famous Farmwoman's Market in Bethesda is
> under roof and can sell baked goods and carry out, but the outside
> ones cannot. No restrictions on eggs, but maybe in TN there isn't a
> market for them?

Considering I haven't been in Tennessee this year (except for 3 weeks in
May)... the farmer's market here in Beaufort SC travels around day by day
every week from town to town. I didn't feel like chasing it down. But they
don't sell any such things either. And in both places they are only open
May to October so it's really a moot point, this being mid November. There
is something like a farm stand, except I can't really call it a farm stand
since it doesn't move. They mostly sell flowers. Right now marigolds are
the hot item. Plant them now, they come up again next fall. They do,
sometimes, have squashes and sweet potatoes, things like that.

> I can buy hen, turkey, duck and goose eggs as well as the birds on
> the hoof at part of mine. I can buy chicks, ducklings and goslings,
> too, to rear at home. Quail, partridge etc, yes indeed.

I'm happy for you! I'm simply pointing out not everyone can do this. No
offense intended to Lin at all, we aren't all as fortunate. I can't get
Chinese food delivered when I'm in Memphis, either. And no one seems to
believe that. The best I can do for food delivery is Papa John's pizza
