Spam Turns Serious and Hormel Turns Out More
"Giusi Baccal� wrote:
> "notbob" writes:
> >Gregory Morrow wrote:
> >
> >> Spam, a gelatinous 12-ounce rectangle of spiced ham and pork, may be
> >> among
> >> the world's most maligned foods.....
> > I eschewed Spam for years, having grown sick of eating it in my youth.
> > But,
> > Spam is not to be denied. > nb
> It's just too salty for me! �You can hardly taste anything else for the
> salt. �
Spam is no more salty (or fatty) than the typical guinea sausage
products... no other ethnicity uses more salt as a food preservative
than the guineas... salt is a natural bacteriostat... that's why
guineas don't bathe, that's why they stink like fetid cheese brine.
Before anyone would have sex with you you'd have to soak your crotch
like baccal�!
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .