George Foreman grill
In article >,
George > wrote:
> Mr. Bill wrote:
> > On Sat, 15 Nov 2008 16:28:10 -0900, "Paul & Robin Barrett"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> Just bought one at a garage sale.
> >
> > Mr. Foreman became a multimillion selling those damn things and they
> > all end up in a garage sale! I should dream up such an idea.
> Its just marketing. Foreman made his money tangentially not because he
> invented something. The grill was around and not selling so they hired
> Foreman and gave him a cut of it to pimp the machines. Lots of other
> items are sold in a similar fashion where the named personality who is
> credited with something may not even know how to operate or use what
> they are pimping.
The thing about the Foreman Grill is you are buying a name. I use a
similar item made by Hamilton. It's about 1/2 the price and does the
same job. The "drip pan" is in the side and pulls out like a drawer and
it comes with either in place or removable grills depending on the model.
I found my Hamilton grill lasts longer with the non-stick coating. I
just wipe it off with paper towels now when it cools. It's coating is
better than Foreman.
Peace! Om
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