Spam Turns Serious and Hormel Turns Out More
In article >,
"Giusi" > wrote:
> "notbob" ha scritto nel messaggio > On 2008-11-15, Gregory Morrow
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Spam, a gelatinous 12-ounce rectangle of spiced ham and pork, may be
> >> among
> >> the world's most maligned foods.....
> >
> > I eschewed Spam for years, having grown sick of eating it in my youth.
> > But,
> > Spam is not to be denied. > nb
> It's just too salty for me! You can hardly taste anything else for the
> salt. My mother used to make "ham" salad with it and it was just edible,
> but plain? Uh.UH.
I agree. All you can taste is the salt.
I won't eat that stuff at all any more. Dad likes the turkey variety.
Peace! Om
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." -- Dalai Lama