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Default Today's Farmers Market Haul

On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 05:51:37 -0500, "jmcquown" >

>Lin, you seriously kill me with reports of being able to buy eggs and meat
>at a farmer's market. I get slammed here all the time by saying I've never
>seen such a thing. Truly, not everyone has a farmer's market that sells
>these things. Sorry guys and gals! It's true, it doesn't happen
>everywhere. No artesan breads, either! I'm glad you got a good haul; sure
>sounds like it

I can get eggs, fish, bread, comb honey, but no red meat that I know
of at the Alemany Market. In the City, Farmer's Markets are becoming
redundant. They certainly aren't inexpensive anymore, so that
component is long gone; and there are so many organic green grocers
now that it's just not something that entices me to get up at the
crack of dawn and go shopping.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that
interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West