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TammyM[_2_] TammyM[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 284
Default Today's Farmers Market Haul

"Lin" > wrote in message
> It had been a couple weeks (or more) since a serious FM visit. But, today
> it was a must go, as we needed eggs and my "Lamb Guy" had a leg of lamb
> waiting for me to pick up.
> Eggs - 2 doz.
> Lamb:
> Delicata Squash
> Butternut Squash
> Spaghetti Squash
> Leeks
> Cipollini Onions
> Green Beans (amazed because they look like early season!)
> Rose Finn fingerling potatoes (Amazing roasted!)
> Red potatoes (of unknown variety -- but quite nice looking)
> Jalapeņo Powder:

<snip dog treats>
> Persimmons and pomegranates abound. I saw the first of the Satsuma
> Mandarins and the last of the grapes. It was a wonderful year for grapes.

My sister and BIL had a satuma tree in their backyard. The sweetest most
delectable Sats you can imagine. Since they no longer live in that house
.... no more satsumas :-( I meant to plant one last spring and will
definitely do so THIS spring <note to self: hey bonehead, remember to plant
a Satsuma mandarin tree in March!>

> With the change of season, this particular market has cut their hours back
> to only three on Saturdays, and others have closed for the year. Bob and I
> will probably have to rely more on the Sacramento FM -- the thing is HUGE.
> He also came across some new choices for brunch on the river if we go to
> the trouble of driving to Sac on a Sunday. TammyM --
> we hope you can join us!

Happily! You know how much I love the Sunday FM (that has a ... different
.... connotation in some circles....)! Haven't been in awhile, and you know
the reason.

> Tonight I baked a couple of the Delicata squash and did a quick braise of
> pork with a healthy dusting of the Jalapeņo Powder, garlic, salt and
> pepper when I browned the meat. I also added some Paquinto (sp?) beans to
> the braise, all to be served over white rice. I also had a nice slice of a
> low-fat, low-sugar cheesecake pie (family recipe).

I'm curious to hear more about this jalapeno powder. You and I have a
similar palate, I think, and I would love to hear your evaluation. And
howzabout that cheesecake pie? Reviews from the peanut gallery?

> It was a simply gorgeous Saturday here. I hope everyone had a lovely day,
> wherever that day is!

And another promised today! We are so spoiled. I am looking forward to
some rainy Sundays - I just love cooking on rainy Sundays!
