On Sun 16 Nov 2008 02:16:41p, Joseph Littleshoes told us...
> notbob wrote:
>> On 2008-11-15, Mr Bill > wrote:
>>>Who are you trying to impress? Yourself?
>> Who are you trying to embarrass? Yourself?
>> Joseph is a longtime regular and this is what he cooks/eats. Relax and
>> pay attention and you might learn something from him. 
>> nb
> Is it just me or did anyone else think immediately of the old SNL
> (Saturday Night Live) "Mr. Bill!" :0
No, not just you. That’s what I thought of, too.
> Im just an old (& old fashioned) foodie with no dependents and a
> disposable income, i not only cook what appeals to me but have a
> tendency to talk about it given the slightest provocation, and the mere
> existence of this type of group is enough to encouragez pour l'autre.
> Some one once accused me of being a 'pompous ass' and i had to explain
> to them that i do not routinely and ostentatiously display my derriere.
> --
> JL
Wayne Boatwright
(correct the spelling of "geemail" to reply)
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Date: Sunday, 11(XI)/16(XVI)/08(MMVIII)
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Countdown till U.S. Thanksgiving Day
1wks 3dys 9hrs 28mins
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If it's not the same thing, it's the same thing.
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